One team buys you flowers and candy before they screw you over. The other team beats you up before they screw you over. Pretty obvious choice.
Strange, strange bedfellows.
We'll have to disagree here about the decision. There's a reason he's on the beach in Delaware every weekend. He's a figurehead. The rest we...
I actually agree with you. The largest transfer of wealth in the history of humankind is taking place right now. From the taxpayer, to the...
Then cut spending. Taxation is a racket perpetrated by the best organized mob in human history.
31-10 good guys
I agree except I don't believe it is up to him. That decision is being made for him. My above post bears that out, with numbers.
Here's another: [IMG]
I was offering an alternative to the one you were decrying.
Kind of like politicians and generals at cocktail parties are in favor of continuing the war, but the soldier in the trench is in favor of ending...
How about we offset the tax bill of ordinary citizens by the real inflation rate (including food, energy, and housing) caused by printing endless...
The executive branch has been weaponized and out of control for decades. It's what happens when you have one elected official at the head of a...
This is exactly what I would have expected to see . . . in Finland. Those are some hard dudes.
Poll shows alarming support for Hamas but likely understates the problem
Good read
Not bad, except the internet
Perhaps there is already a National Strategy to Combat Anti-Semitism. Oh wait, that was bomb the shit out of Germany and then invade it until...
Cool, now describe it at its best.
So what you are saying is government is an inefficient monstrosity full of egomaniacs out to enrich themselves rather than improve the lives of...
Just have to disagree here.