The model that AZ posted shows it was basically no threat to people under 50. Vaccine made no sense for people under 50.
That wasn't really meant as a slight to Biden. It was more of a kudos to Obama and Hillary for being that locked in for what was actually a pretty...
I always thought Obama and Hillary looked locked in and Biden looked bored.
Yes, I understand. I have a representative in Congress. Yay for me. Not sure which is worse: 1 tyrant 3000 miles away or 3000 tyrants 1 mile away.
From your graph, it looks like the vast majority of lives saved were 65 and over. Cool. You might have an argument about 50+. There is absolutely...
Sure I will. I'm reading the first study now. Trying to figure out their methodology before I accept their results. Which is what I asked for....
Trump is no conservative. I agree.
I said compare Jan 20 (Trump) with with Jan 24 (Biden). This gets the Covid nonsense out of the way
Ah then I misread your quote.
Trump's policy on Covid was pure trash. Which is why I said go back to January of 2020 - before the world lost their damn minds.
Please show me the research that shows the vaccine saved millions of lives.
I wasn't discussing what he was doing. I was discussing what you mentioned - 2020 as a baseline. When things were normal then vs when they are...
I don't think Soros is involved. But I do think it is in bad form to go buy tents and camp out (when you have dorms), prevent Jewish students from...
Because Covid overreaction killed the labor market from March 2020 until at least January 2021. So a correct comparison would be comparing the...
Which kind of proves my point about uniparty. They're going to approve spending regardless of whether their constituents want it or not. Reeks of...
Perhaps they should have used the money on tuition rather than taking student loans they never intend on repaying.
I stand by what I said. Just because it was tested on 5000 people doesn't mean it has stood the test of time, with billions (maybe trillions) of...
I guess I'm batshit crazy.
Since 2016 I have only voted in local elections. I held my nose and voted for Trump. That was the last time I voted in a national election. I have...
I believe that is a one-eyed snake.