Sensible deduction, although Churchill was fat, a chain-smoker, drank like a fish, endured two world wars and lived to be 90.
To get you started … Junkfood Science: The myth of unhealthy belly fat Junkfood...
Rash and fever are real but not a virus. Vaccines wholly unnecessary as there is no scientific evidence for anything to vaccinate for. I have...
CDC, JAMA, BTW, I’m leaner than you are.
Al that junk food is killing him slowly.
I’ve already mentioned how two friends contracted GBS from vaccines as reported by their physicians. One was bed-ridden for a year, the other...
The Samoan Measles Myth just will not die.
Am I having too much fun ? [MEDIA]
If not for your TDS you’d probably regard a near-octogenarian who subsists on 4-5 hours of sleep, works long hours and is an avid golfer as...
Reflecting on Covid … [ATTACH]
It’s taken quite a long time, but (some) scientists are discovering that correlation is not causation … Science of Fat in Context — EDI Bonus:...
At last check, skinny people die sooner than fat people wherein fat appears afford a protective effect. Morbidly obese people do die sooner, but...
Trump’s critics complain that he’s doing too much but this is the first time I’ve heard of blisters.
Nobody said that people (and marine life) weren’t annihilated by radiation blast. There was a widespread fear of far ranging fallout that...
“safe and effective” [MEDIA]
Ironically, it is Trump, first and foremost who has championed the vaccine and Democrats on the board are likely the most Trump-compliant.
People get angry when you question narratives. To hammer the point home, for all the bomb’s destructive force, fallout was scarcely an issue.
Over a half trillion (possibly much more) and over a half-century trying to find a cure.
[MEDIA] The French of that time may have been among the ghastliest people ever.