As there is no scientific evidence for viruses the follow terms and concepts are meaningless …. Specific Antibodies Immunity Herd Immunity...
Do we really have solid proof that Biden was alive the last four years ?
That you went no further than to see “blog” in the first URL and so missed the referenced studies, as well as the larger primer on the limitations...
Almost forgot, the mustard gas guy was an MD. Who are you to question a doctor ?
If you were to be transported back to the time of Galileo’s house arrest you would have told the guards, “I’m going with you. I want to see that...
I’ll post numerous links. But first you need to prove that you’ve studied the links you demanded regarding obesity.
You don’t do science. You enforce orthodoxy.
I might put that in the category of the guys who tickled the dragon.
Whenever we walk outside we are subjected to radiation. Granted, my thread title is provocative, but to study here puts it nicely, “discrepancy...
But people hold radiation, no ? The Hiroshima/Nagasaki Survivor Studies: Discrepancies Between Results and General Perception - PMC
That high cholesterol is bad has been roundly debunked. And I can remember when 100 + age was the threshold for concern for systolic. Oh, and...
I don’t believe he’ll live through a third term. That’s just back of the envelope
Has to get in line behind the early dare, “Oh yeah ? Why don’t you go visit a patient in a Covid ward ?”
Because pertinent … [MEDIA]
As I recall, the studies that showed underweight as being the shortest lived category controlled for wasting diseases, although I’m unsure as to...
I would only add that weight gain often follows disease and seems to confer a protective effect. As a slender person I might not fare so well were...
We’re living in a time in which “What is a woman ?” is ridiculing flat-earthers.
I know you didn’t ask me, but one contains eye of newt and the other wool of bat.
Average American male a pudgy 5-9 200 and living linger (and actively longer) prior to pan-panic … FastStats