T3 Shumaker struck out looking
Wooley popped up to end the 2nd 2 hits/ 1 run/1 error/2 lob 1-1
Eschete grounded out Runners stay 2 outs
Johnson doubled 1 run scores Runners on 2nd and 3rd 1 out 1-1
Vzavel singles Runners on 1st and 2nd 1 out
Dement reached on an error, Enright out at 2nd Runner at 1st 1 out
B2 Enright walked
Falby struck out swinging 1 hit/ 1 run/ 3 lob 1-0 Gators
Holtorf walked Bases loaded 2 outs
Brown walked Runners on 1st and 2nd 2 outs
Williams hbp
Cahalan grounded out
Walsh struck out swinging 1 out
T2 Erickson homered 1-0 Gators
Perez fouled out to end the inning 2 hits/0 runs/ 1 lob 0-0
Barbara flied out 2 outs
Wooley picked off at 3rd Runner on 1st 1 out
Powell singled Runners in 1st and 2nd 0 outs
B1 Wooley singled
Otis grounded out Quick inning for Kennedy 0-0