Shumaker walked
Falby grounded out for 1st out
T7 A few insurance runs would be great here
Dement lined out to end the 6th 0 hits/runs/lob 3-2 Gators
Enright struck out swinging 2 outs
B6 Perez flied out for out #1
Was thinking that same thing. .
Holtorf struck out swinging 1 hit/run/ 0 lob 3-2 Gators
Brown struck out swinging 2 outs
Williams homers Mama Mia! 3-2 Gators
Cahalan Grounded out 1 out
T6 Kennedy with 105 pitches
Barbara grounded out to end 5th 0 hits/runs/lob 2-2
Powell fouled out 2 outs
Wooley grounded out
B5 Hammock in for Red..
Walsh struck out swinging 0 hits/runs/ 1 lob 2-2
Erickson popped up Runner on 1st 2 outs
Otis fouled out
T5 Shumaker walked