I guess one man's "Second Amendment" rights were superior to that other man's Second Amendment rights. Supremacy Clause at the micro level. ;)
Everybody lies... some lies are far more impactful than others.
It's because of the lack of metals in the building construction of that old city. Metals will hold the radiation. Metals unlike concrete and wood...
Same as Obama... he lied. Same as Biden... he lied. Same old song and dance from these COMMUNISTS. These PROFESSIONAL LIARS WILL NEVER CHANGE...
The Gators should offer him.
Biden and his policies are still the law of the land until Trump gets his economic policy bill passed... So, we're still on Biden's economy and...
So many Americans die at the hands of cops every year... why did the Dems die on the Floyd drug addict hill?
C'mon man, don't you know not to expect logic in this forum? Lol... Yes, men are also only allowed in the POTUS Cabinets and Agencies when the...
Breaking "News" from propaganda outlets like the NY Times do NOT have the same power nor veracity as they did before the Russia collusion...
There seem to be a few people that seem to be more hate America first, than Patriots. Disgusting subhumans...
When is NASA going to be DOGEd? Not soon enough.
Thanks to slick Willie the Chinese have been using those plans for their version for quite some time now. Old reliable (non-reusable) tech.
The more NGOs the Trump administration finds the more of these political fundraising organizations will run out of dark money.
No need to get Testy about it... Lol... :D;)
We shall see... Maybe opening up their books on their $5 billion in foreign donations will come to light. Qatari/foreign money donations need to...
Not according to Alan Dershowitz... he was just on Newsmax speaking to that very law that these protestors are violating. It's not a first...
4.53 forty-yard dash?
More savings to come from other schools.
Now we get to see just how criminal Fauci and the Dems really were with regard to how we should have protected American from Covid-19. [MEDIA]...