me too
where is the arson fires and looting? That just looks like a bunch of people sitting around singing songs for all we know
You’re confusing MAGA with MASA. Try harder.
you mean correcting the narrative…
If we are going to keep “MAGA” out we also need to keep “MASA” out. The MASA folks looted, set places on fire and attacked ordinary people and...
Here’s the carnage from the Democrats….looks like a nuclear bomb [MEDIA]
Are you sure? Are their videos? How do we know it wasn’t Schiff shit? How do we know they didn’t rush Biden out before they got his depends on?...
FAIL. A lack of evidence for 1 preposterous proposition does not serve as evidence for the truth of an equally preposterous proposition....
I am VERY skeptical of these types of treatments and claims. On one hand you have a potential cure and on the other hand you have a potential...
Clarify what you are claiming. Are you saying Students were protesting the Terrorist/ Muslims who attacked us, or are you saying the students...
I am afraid it has just started and will only get worse. The next 360 days are going to be filled with people on both sides of the spectrum...
your post is worse than our defense on 4th and 20 with a lead and 30 seconds to go in the game. Hoping for people to die! How pathetic. From...
There are no real words for how ridiculously ignorant your response is. Pay attention to the discussion, and for God's sake man, read the opinion...
Here is a little know fact they forgot to teach you at your Alma Mater the University of Salty Tears: Just because you proclaim something to be...
NO. I never said what you are suggesting. I said in this case you don’t need a legal expert to read this opinion for the point I was making....
Thanks. I can't unsee that.
bwaahaaaahaaa another one. I am now getting convinced that there are liberal people on this forum who don’t read anything on a thread and just...
nonsense More made up nonsense Your questioning my honesty? Mom? Is that you? Just more nonsense. Name them and post evidence to...
LOL. I don’t live in that shithole state, so no, I’ve never been to a CA dmv. I have lived in multiple states and most, including my current...