dude…this is the point I have been making. Without context/qualifiers saying Florida bans books or Miami bans smoking is just straight up dishonest.
you keep telling yourself that. [img]
too late. I got paid a ton. So much that I retired at 53. Sorry to bust your hopes. What are your pronouns? For you mine are Alpha, and...
I’m not arguing semantics. Again, another term thrown out there because you don’t understand the significance of a very relevant nuance....
your link doesn’t support what you are suggesting. These places are not banning smoking. They are “banning” smoking at specific locations. It is...
that may be true in Florida as there appears to be a certificate requirement, which requires the masters degree in library sciences. But if you...
thanks for the link, but it does not appear on its face to support what you are contending. This department in Alachua County does not appear to...
which is an online course at a “community college” requiring no GRE. Did you just ignore the links I posted? A community college, as I use the...
I looked up jobs for this position and there is no standard. I found 1 for a DC school that listed “must be over 18” as a job requirement. LOL
that position does not seem to exist in Florida, at least not in Orange County. Do you have a link or name to any such person in Florida?
librarians are not hired by the state. They are not employed by the state. They are local government.
no, the parallel would be hiring a Fire Chief to make sure the fireman do the job they were hired to do.
so hiring more cops, more District Attorneys more firemen…that is all big government to you? Are you redefining the word or are you just confused...
Trained? An online course from a community college. What am I missing? What kids go to their library for books? Everyone uses the internet....
LOL. So requiring transparency and limiting the actions of government officials is “big government?” uhmmmm… [IMG]
I’m for both and I don’t know anyone who isn’t for 1 and not the other. Do you?
I’ll give you that one. That’s my bad. I was actually addressing previous posters (and Newsom) who were blaming Desantis for banning books. I...
do you even know what the term accountable means? LOL. In no sense is a school librarian accountable to parents. You also don’t seem to have any...
I do know where they are. Every state has these guidelines and regulations posted online. It takes time to go find them. if you want to go look,...