They put her on a terror watch list now she's Director of national intelligence...lots of butt puckerin goin on. :emoji_joy:
Sounds like he'll fit right in!
Women? Libs don't know what the hell they are anyway.
LOL shocker, rich too hot libs don't get the working middle class struggle.
Come on now, massaging vote counts takes time...give them another week or two.
Work with a woman who knows her from being involved in several different campaigns says her nickname is 'the black widow'. :emoji_joy:
Evidently, she won't be putting out for the next 4 years either...libs not procreating is honestly the best news I've heard in quite some time....
UT QB was horrible also.
Sorry man, that one's no better...:emoji_grinning:
Just another example of why most of our govt agencies need to be fumigated...hopefully it will be a top priority in the next couple of years.
LOL, 74% 2 days later...WTF are they doing?
Looks like michaels knew nbc would be breaking election law but did it anyway. [MEDIA]
Honestly, if Millen and all the other guys got beat out by a walk on freshman from Yale, time to switch positions.
On top of that, half the team could bail once the portal opens up.
Didn't watch, did he actually really say this? “For the first time since I've been the head coach here we showed up and we believed we could beat...
No way CBS would have made us watch the end of that freaking cane game.
Because they won't break from the cane's game?
Don't worry, refs will bail 'em out.