[MEDIA] :emoji_joy:
[ATTACH] This shit was going on all night and damn it, yelling at the TV did no good at all.
One would hope so but yeah, no if that makes any sense.
Not sure he even gives 2 shits but a decent O coordinator would have probably been enough for him to make it to next year.
We were wondering about that...TV didn't show many gata fans.
They only compared him to hitler 10 times last week, down from a high of 15.
[MEDIA] :emoji_grinning:
Do the ruskies have a patent on troll farms?
New here? :emoji_grinning:
[MEDIA] Don't know how credible this guy is...and it's got some crazy ass ads but easy to skip thru.
[MEDIA] I hear she's still available.
Short selective memories.
Wrong color admistration.
Damn, just pissing on us and laughing about it.
Someone's lying...I'll put my money on the politicians.
'Perhaps the most appalling aspect of the federal response to Katrina was that officials obstructed private relief efforts, as these examples...
Lol, deeply patriotic song...