The ninth sec is what we are discussing right? Im all for it. Our s edule is already good but you cant say that about most teams.
If the linebackers stay healthy, it could be a huge strength, but a couple of injuries and we could have true freshman taking a lot of snaps
I want to see wins too but i dont think anyone is fooled by beating teams that should never be on the same field. Season tix wont go up...
Nothin like lickin my boobs
Im more concerned with watching a competitive game than the ticket price.
Weve tried to keep it secret but they found us.
It definitely was better here too but we still have enough to fill a cooler most trips offshore. Bay fishing is nothing like it was. I think...
Ive got aaa's
I mean, it just completes my stiletto look
Did Calloway do anything near as bad except being an idiot?
Mr T may have a quote for them.
Thats what i say when im seen wearing a bra too
Only thing surprising to me is the forty, didnt realize he was so fast
Theres not shit for fish iver there though, the north gulf is sick
If hate to bat against Maddox where i questioned 6"'s. Thats just not fair.
And they can suck it.
We definitely diffent.
We still whooped that ass. They can smoke that shit.
Floridians come in a bunch of shapes and sizes no doubt. Its those others that are a pain in the ass.