in my book it was but the girl refused to file charges even though I encouraged her to do so- the police told me she was who would have to press...
we need term limits
prezbo stands for President Barrack Obama- what is wrong with that?
joey was not giving that speech
he is a dyed in the wool lib but sad to see he passed so soon after being sworn in...
the shit for brains lib Congressman from Texas deserved to be removed- the libs had a fit over a Pub saying something prezbo said in a state of...
so based upon your numbers [IMG] all the pubs liked it and most (74%) of the independents liked the speech and the only haters were dems -...
people can be arrested for that these days
someone will I termed a male Manager for sexual harassment that got physical and he got hired at another restaurant in town- by law they cannot...
probably made little difference in her life as real estate agents (unless they work for a builder) are independent contractors - so she just went...
MARCH 5 1840 2nd Grand National: Bartholomew Bretherton wins aboard 16/1 Jerry; a then smallest field of 13 1845 7th Grand National: William...
the libs are at there most volatile and hate when the lose - 202 more weeks
0h jo jo. you are so comical
story from cnn I will wait to see how it all shakes out in the end
Zelensky reaches out to Trump after 'regrettable' meeting, thanks him for support is Z having remorse for being an ID 10 T
‘It’s Infuriating’: Bondi Says All Epstein Files Are In, Reveals What Will Go Public |
MARCH 4 1846 8th Grand National: William Taylor aboard outsider Pioneer wins by 3 lengths from Culverthorpe 1857 19th Grand National: Charlie...