Yeah I know, bought it at like 19 so I was deep in the green. Still kept half. Too may times I’ve held to squeeze out a few more points and gotten...
Potentially unlimited loses…
Time to buy if you are brave and selective.
A large part was likely due to the huge run up for the last 6 months. I also wouldn’t put it past these guys knowing about the Chinese AI before...
I thought it was Truman. Writing style is very similar.
I see plenty of small business(mostly restaurants) who prefer cash. If I have it I use it, no sweat off my back to help them save 3%.
It worked for some. The sooner it was given the better the effect was.
Or they were just tinkering with it and accidentally made it contagious for humans, sloppy quarantine protocols let it slip out of the lab.
Actually if I recall correctly he was given steroids and Remdesivir both were available in most hospitals at the time.
Well let’s say China decided to get rid of the oldest, weakest, least productive and most costly segment of their population? The best way is such...
So you’re for the little guy until it’s inconvenient…
Often margins are so thing in small mom and pop stores they can’t always make it back.
Quite simple, if China was tinkering around with it and it got out they could have warned the world and worked together to have more effective...
I get that, but you’re just feeding those evil big banks and cutting profits on small businesses.
On occasion I have cash, many small business prefer it as bank fees can eat up their margins.
Was recently in the Bahamas. They don’t use pennys either. Cost more to make them than they are worth. Axe the penny. Round up or down, it will...
Seriously ? You mean the ones that haven’t even come out of the gate yet?
Kill how many millions of egg laying hens and this is what you get, to that hard. Same thing with egg prices going up under Biden.
Sure and Vox is a pretty far left media group. the fact that they are coming out hard on the leadership in Cal tells you it must be pretty damn bad.
Ya were doing pretty well there until ya went off topic in the last sentence. Regardless of Trump’s stance this is an issue that rests squarely on...