LoL. Gotcha.
Seems like spending is being cut. Plans to go back to the moon have been there for years now. Personally the ROI of going to the moon again is...
Hacking Gov programs? That suggests going into those program without permission nefariously seems his team had permission.
Funny SpaceX is literally the best and cheapest at doing this. It’s not even close otherwise and it’s been that way for years. Yet it’s some...
Well I had to look it up too. But there are other expensive EVs that get it also now. Biden’s law….
I guess you don’t know the US Gov including the military has needs when it comes to placing new satellites. How is it a Gov subsidy? Paying for...
I had to look it up but this new credit comes from the Biden Inflation reduction act. I guess your meant Biden was colluding with Musk since he...
Sure if there was an equal option, since there isn’t there is not really any competition and it’s being done cheaper than before I don’t see the...
Do you care about servicing the ISS or not? Do you care about having new satellites put in orbit? Would you rather pay Russia to do it for more money?
I thought that to get the tax credit the EV had to be under a certain amount of money? Also was there some new law passed that I missed or is...
Our local mall in Daytona is a shadow of its former self. The push for more strip malls, and “shopping centers” has caused this for decades.
Don’t worry I’m sure it’s all just transitory…
Curious if this for further launch systems, you know like the ones NASA has been paying for now for years because SpaceX can do it better and...
Average price of new car in US last year 47k. 2k increase is about 4%, is that a significant increase IDK. Now the down stream effect may cause...
I heard on CNBC it was more like $500 per car.
They already do, do you have any clue how much money they spent developing molecules to treat alzheimer’s? I can’t even count how many failed...
And for the record my experience is in human clinical trials. As far a bench research I have no idea other than any academic center seems to...
Nah it’s not about preventing fraud, it’s about 25 people evaluating something that any big pharmaceutical company has 2-3 do. It seems it more...
So the Chinese will go home, I doubt American researchers will go moving to China. More likely they will go private sector.
Do you really think the best researchers in the US are gonna move to China? Seriously?