Meh it was a pretty backhanded comment about Tilly’s daughter. Tilly is right there are loads of people working under the table who pay little or...
Any “refunds” should be used to directly pay down the national debit. Refunds directly to taxpayers will just increase the inflation rate that...
TY so essentially they are making a bunch of assumptions based on the county they lived in and admittedly those counties had higher death rates...
My understanding was when they spun of Spirit Aerosystems to lower costs it set the stage for issues with reliability in production Hence them...
Not unlike some who think if your are not full on liberal MAGA
Worked well for GE. I was buying GE like mad at 6-7$. The spin off has been just gold. Have BA if it does spin-offs and has the same returns as...
Nah, this one started under Biden. When do we get the criticism of Biden for not handling it? I guess he was too busy handing out pardons....
The very old had the highest mortality rates regardless of underlying health conditions.
Interesting, I never in 27 years as a practicing PA have needed to ask about party affiliation when taking care of my patients. Curious on how...
Cuomo wants some credit too….
To add to that he’s taken profits on high flyers, something we should do. I’ve been doing it for months. Not really buying anything right now...
Doubt they will do that.
Pfft, or you could man up and buy into the market beat downs like you suggest the super rich are doing.
He does seem to have some of the characteristics of Asperger’s. Mind you that’s based on video and interviews.
Many Dems here like to point to the Covid induced crash in the economy under Trump. While they may not blame him specifically for Covid they sure...
Actually the economists I listen to say tariff is will cause a one time bump but won’t keep increasing inflation.
Or by the MIC.
Profits are not unlimited. It’s not a pill. Since most will be on medicare the cost will be limited in some fashion. And sure they are doing...
Why don’t you drive a car that isn’t 55 years old or watch TV on a 60 year old device? Or do you think the moon landing was faked?
What was the ROI of going in the first place? The tech developed increased our standard of living exponentially. Next trip will do the same.