Cool. Let's increase taxes to pay for it then.
Everyone who works pays taxes directly to the federal government. And everyone else pays taxes indirectly to the federal government. The only...
I'll never understand how someone who claims to be a Christian could refuse to feed a hungry child. But then the key word in the above sentence...
OK then. No on Pompeo and yes on McMaster and, after looking into him, Rogers. And certainly no on Elon Musk.
Perhaps we could replace MLK day with Robert E Lee day and Juneteenth with Nathan Bedford Forrest day.
Fair enough. Sorry I was being overly flippant. But I do think things are changing and I will be very surprised if we increase our support of...
Given that the only way they are going to find $2 trillion to cut is to reduce SS and Medicare benefits, this would be a transfer from old people...
He's completely bonkers.
Top secret stuff that nobody knows about. Got it. I'll stick to my belief that we (at least at the top) are now on Russia's side in this...
He's completely nuts.
I'd like to see some links for the military measures and aid to Ukraine that we have increased since Trump took office.
I'd strongly support making the (eventual) day Trump dies a national holiday.
In fact there wasn't a question mark to be found anywhere in your post that I was responding to. So feel free to ask an actual question and I...
I have no idea what your question is. Feel free to ask it again.
This would reduce defense spending to around $560 Billion in 2030. That's not going to happen.
Why those 3? McMaster might be ok. Rogers is a MAGA nutter, so no. Would you be ok with AOC conducting an audit of HHS?
Ok well this is what Trump posted. I think it's kind of a big deal. Think of it, a modestly successful comedian, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, talked the...
Ok so I guess we can expect to not see any posts from you during working hours tomorrow?
A great deal of what IGs do (auditing, investigating fraud) overlaps with what Musk is supposed to be doing. Trump fired them to get them out of...