That's the kind of stuff you could find out if you actually read the study.
The study adjusts for age.
How did you arrive at that? She said nothing to imply that 80 year olds and 20 year olds have the same mortality rate.
You are the one who brought your daughter into it. You used her as an example of someone who works but doesn't report the income, which is tax...
Ok, I see you want to nitpick so I will be more specific. Everyone who works should pay taxes to the federal government but some, like your...
Sigh? You just can't help yourself can you? You always want to start something. Anyway, when she spends that $100 she will be indirectly...
How so?
If you're this triggered already I'd suggest you stay away from this message board for a few years. It's only going to get worse.
Income tax revenues made up about 49% of total federal revenues in 2024.
The only way to reduce government spending enough to give people a significant refund would be to reduce benefits like SS and Medicare. So you'd...
I don't know what's going to happen when Trump's gone, but I can't wait to find out!
It's pretty obvious that all of the text underneath the link is taken from the link. That's commonly done here. But if you really wanted to...
S&P now down 1.2% today. Get used to it. We're going to have a lot of days like this due to the incompetence and chaos of the Trump admin.
No, it's correct. Income tax revenues made up about 49% of total federal revenues in 2024.
The US pulling out of the UN would be yet another gift to Putin and Xi. NATO would be next.
It's only been a few days and already this thread hasn't aged well.
I don't care what 'they' are talking about. All Americans pay taxes one way or another. And income taxes are less than half the total taxes the...
We do. And we also realize this term there will be nobody to talk him out of stuff like this.
Have you not heard of payroll taxes? Everyone who works pays them. And everyone else indirectly pays taxes simply by engaging in economic...
It's all he's got.