He is just mad he got called out and proven wrong. Seen this movie before...
Not taking losing well I see... It's like clubbing baby seals around here lately.
LOL. Sure . You keep thinking that. I literally showed proof of a company doing it and you still are trying to say otherwise. Too funny...
Yep. 3 years ago I was up for a director level job at Bank of NY and a friend that's an officer there said they are going to hire a minority even...
We are in the year 2025. It would go back to 2015 for 10 years. Hmmm, wonder why Fauci would request it going back to 2014...
Just a terrible look for Fauci. Anyone defending Fauci, please answer why the pardon goes back to 2014. He obviously has a lot to hide.
You did say the first part, then made the assertation that since Thomas didn't break the women's 500 meter record that it wasn't a big deal....
Too funny. When one can't admit they were wrong 100% on something then they deserve to just be laughed at.
Cant fix stupid...
Oh, so since she didn't beat the World record, it's ok that she took the spots of deserving women... Holy crap, that is some next level gas lighting.
I just read Tuberville's comments and here they are. Dumb quotes. You send them money to help those in need most importantly. But I do get what...
CA has been blue for over a decade for the vast majority of counties. LA County has voted Dem in every election since 88. So yeah, the Dems are...
LOL. Sure you aren't a democrat... Thanks for the laughs. How do both parties have a role in this? When was the last time the Right was in...
LOL. So you haven't criticized the CA govt in charge. Got it. Oh, and I love the "orange god" comment. Tells me you've lost the argument...
Please point out your criticisms of the California govt regarding the wild fires. I'll wait... Oh, you didn't? No way! You aren't criticizing...
IF that area was a known wild fire area then yes they should've done preventive burns. But this has nothing to do with what is happening in CA....
See my post regarding how much land actually had controlled burns on it. CA is roughly 3 times the size of FL yet FL had burned more than 200k...
Yes, natural disasters are out of our control. Doing controlled burns are in our control. Simple as that. You think California did a good job,...
Thanks Capt Obvious... So you are good with how California handled the fires and preventive risk. Got it. I imagine most of the people affected...
This isn't about Hindsight being 20-20. This isn't some new issue. Been happening for centuries. Simply do the controlled burns wherever...