Of course. Nobody I am aware of is saying that she should be put above the law. And I am aware of nothing she has done or said that could...
Agree that Trump campaigning will help in some areas. Much like I posted wrt Kavanaugh getting confirmed, I think it will vary depending on the...
Probably true to a degree but will vary on where it plays. The negative campaign ads and outrage on this will play well in circles that do not...
That appears to be the case. Quite a few organizations are making late pitches to shut it down, though. Not sure if that will have impact.
This is what you posted to me: This forum has rules about personal insults. Follow them. Aside from that, your assertion has no better...
Making a mistake on a term or two doesn't mean anything. But for every single yearbook reference they asked him about he came up with a "choir...
His HS sex life (or lack of), sex terms, drinking... that was always irrelevant. Absolutely right! Never said any different. You should ask...
He is not there yet. He may get there, but not there yet. And that was a mildly humorous response even while deflective if not disingenuous....
Of course I'd be pissed if BS allegations were leveled against me. Why on earth is that reason to repeatedly lie on a range of issues including...
The dude is destroying himself. All he had to do was tell the truth, apologize for youthful indiscretions and say he never assaulted anyone.
Whatever floats your boat. My arguing the obvious wrt to Kavanaugh's testimony and fitness for the USSC doesn't mean I take it personally.
It's not rough for me if Kavanaugh gets confirmed. It's wrong for the country. The USSC should be above blind partisans putting a blatant liar...
That's good info. But its irrelevant. Nobody cares how much sex he had or didn't have in HS.
It appears you didn't actually read the article you are citing where Ford's friend said she felt pressure. Perhaps you should put the Anne Rice...
You're just being ridiculous. This is a 53 year old man who has been in public life for a long time. Talking as a lawyer in court, presiding over...
You missed the point. Wildly. The issue is not that he drank too much and was crude in his HS and College days. A ton of people have done that....
I think everyone recognizes that drinking to being incoherent, belligerent, ralphing and passing out is excessive. There's not a lot of gray...
Here's the thing. Him making sexual references and crude sexual remarks in HS doesn't matter to him being a Supreme Court Justice now. Nor does...
Fair enough. It could be it happened that way, in spite of the common usage at the time. If we're going to accept those accounts, what of the...
Nor would I expect them to confirm or not based on my understanding of anything wrt this case. Of course this has nothing to do with Urban...