Yup. Our country is being led by an elementary school bully with Narcissistic Personality Disorder. And we deserve it. Part of me would...
Painfully poor communicator for leader of the free world. And exceptionally misinformed / intentionally disingenuous on every important topic....
The internet wasn't around but the word was in common usage for anal sex at the time. The Valley Girls song from the early 80s uses it in that...
Brett Kavanaugh Also Lied About His Rulings on the Environment
For one, it is not a "quibble" as to doesn't recall = deniest it or refutes it. He is a lawyer and a judge and he knows damn well those things...
Dems doing a straight party line vote is party over country as well. It's complete b.s. A qualified candidate should be confirmed. But nobody...
I can understand that sentiment. I can understand being pissed at Feinstein for delay of releasing the letter and the obvious attempt to delay the...
Didn't you claim earlier that Antifa was more violent /responsible for more deaths than the alt right? Her post directly refutes that. And TBH...
Yeah. I get that. Hence the emoticon there. Most of your "comrades" on the right don't seem to, though. To your point, technically it should be...
To hear a lot of folks on the right describe it, you could go with Canada and most any European country. ;)
No offense but you're all over the place. All this rationalizing of Kavanaugh's lies has scrambled your brains. Take a break. Get something...
So you're now comparing Trump to a dictator, but deferring to Hitler. I didn't predict things going that way.
Antifa is bad. As I mentioned earlier they seem to be to be unemployed (underemployed) anarchists looking for a fight. Their anti fascist...
I thought we were talking about something relevant to contemporary America. Silly me.
They may well be more dangerous than the alt right at this point. Here's the problem with recruiting extremists on one side... it fires up...
OF course... you were responding to my point that Trump changed the dynamic, which he clearly did. If you think it was going on before, feel free...
I don't cry. And I didn't "cry foul" when you mentioned Antifa. I merely pointed out that if you're going to do that, you have to include the...
Right... point me to the political rallies for any candidate other than Trump where attendees were physically attacking people they didn't agree...
I addressed the violence topic in my prior post. I vote mostly libertarian when there are decent libertarian candidates as that is closest to my...
Antifa is definitely violent on the left. They're probably mostly unemployed anarchists looking for trouble. They're scum. But their corollary on...