More honesty and fact based approaches is what is needed and has been needed since the start of this, when Trump was receiving high level threat...
Some person(s) at the CDC are going to get fired for reporting this information. Definitely haven't kissed the ring as they are required to...
Not sure. But if I or a loved one were in serious condition, I'd certainly want to have access to that treatment.
That looks positive to me. Just not something we should be jumping for joy over. No panacea and not significant enough to make an impact on...
LA is all spread out with little use of public transit. NYC is far more congested and far heavier use of public transit. People on top of each...
Higher population density areas, and areas exposed to more travel are going to get harder hit. That's a fact. Those areas also run for the Dems....
Those travelers who were infected still infected other people and gave the south Florida area a larger "base" of infected people at the time we...
Along with exposure to travelers from NY area, cruises and international.
Agree that we should use an informed approach and consider economic costs as well as human costs. We should also have testing, we should...
Good info and you could be right that he also ate better. Seeing results generally does that. But he swore he didn't. ;) Would also throw in that...
Death figures have been understated to date. Numerous stories on this from the US, UK and other countries. And of course, China.
A knew a guy once who lost 50 pounds in a year and the only thing he said he changed was taking the stairs instead of the elevator.
Trump's personal attorney at work.
Exactly! We are so lucky to have the inventor of metrics as our President. It may take some time, but all these so called mathematicians and...
No need for all that testing mumbo jumbo. Trump knows more about this virus than all the epidemiologists out there. When he tells us it's time...
Commie. ;)
Wonder if I should get tested... am I running a fever?... cognitive and social awareness skills taking a hit... I really walked into that! :D But...
Going with your example, I don't think there are many on the young earth view of the world either, yet we had the GW admin order the removal of...
If I used that, me and my equipment (balls and what not) would be glowing all over the place. Kids would probably get a big laugh out of it. :D
I agree with your points here, but I think they apply to right leaning professionals and not to the Republican political leadership and right wing...