phil already mentioned it, but there is no data backing up any significant increase in deaths related to lack of access to hospitals. I'll grant...
Real death count due to Coronavirus likely over 200 thousand through July 25th. Probably higher still when you include offset due to decrease in...
The current increases in infection won't see death rates as high because there is much more known in how to treat and people are getting tested...
This has been the message all along. Perfectly said. Hopefully, with enough repetition folks will get it.
It is very difficult to take you seriously when you persistently post in an alternative fact universe. You appear to disdain the truth... or...
And Fauci was almost certainly walking a tight rope with Trump, trying to stay involved in a positive manner without getting run out. Now when...
Teachers, school staff, family members. They're people too. With much higher risk of permanent disability or death from COVID. School age kids...
Could be a factor. Although I tend to think he's just hyper engaged in Trump policy positions, to the point of not considering adverse impacts /...
What are the age groups and at risk factors involved for teachers, other school staff and family members? How effective are school children at...
Trump was getting intelligence briefings on the dangers of this pandemic from both health and economic perspectives. And he decided to bald face...
"Florida Man" strikes again! Kidding aside, that dude has serious problems.
I just took a test this morning and was told three to five days to get results back. I'll let folks know how long it takes. I think we just...
Interesting that cases seem to be increasing while deaths and death rate are still decreasing. Has the virus mutated to be less deadly? Is it...
If true, that's a lot of lives saved. Even at just 1%, that's 600K. With overwhelmed health care facilities, it may have been closer to the 5%...
Does it assume we don't tighten things back down once we've reopened, even if infection rates go back up? If so, that death total is what is...
I might have missed it, but can you point out where in the paper it called for shutting down businesses, having people work from home, closing...
Agree on the nursing home issue. A TON of other things were Your linked article did not include "extreme measures" for mitigation. Its...
The high predictions were based on business as usual. It is rather pointless to compare that to us actually trying to reduce the death rate. We...
Trump lies. Americans die. Lock him up! Lock him up! We all know that is exactly what his rallies would be looking like if his opponent had done...
I don't think we know the percentage of population for which the disease is deadly or causes long term morbidity. But of reported cases, death...