Waiting for Trump to take credit for the lower interest rates resulting from the funds from the sale of equities being reinvested in safer US...
Caravan of "invaders" who received assistance from one or more of the NGOs supported by Soros and as a point of information he didn't organize the...
Have to wonder if Trump will propose billions of dollars in subsidies for farmers who have lost foreign markets as the result of retaliatory...
The first part of the sentence sounds like a description of the current POTUS with the second part of the sentence referring to the co-President.
Trump ultimately did so apparently after Epstein made a play for the teenage daughter of another member.
Is that the same Ghislaine Maxwell in this picture with her other friends? [IMG]
FYI: It has long been known that the president of the United States uses multiple autopen systems to sign many official documents (e.g., military,...
One would think that a POTUS would have sufficient knowledge of the economic history of the United States that he would be aware of the impact of...
This column by Tom Friedman of the NY Times says it all. Friedman quoting an Oxford economist whose work focuses on international supply chains:...
This graphic from the Washington Post focusing on just in component in the Chevrolet Silverado says it all about the absurdity of Trump's tariffs...
Trump's passionate patriotism . . . to Mother Russia. [IMG]
Even if the photo is showing on Arbery on the construction site and I'm not disputing its authenticity the only crime that he had committed was...
Ironically Rupert Murdoch also owns the Wall Street Journal and that publication has bashed Trump on both his betrayal of Ukraine and his...
I still think that when push comes to shove and a cabinet secretary or an agency head resists a Musk DOGE edict Trump will end up siding with his...
Restating a previous post. While conceding that Maddow's comments as well as the refusal of the majority of Democrats to stand when D.J. Daniel...
Answer to the question posed in the title of this thread. I wouldn't want to find out.