And you call yourself a patriot? That is the most UN-american thing one could possibly want. Jeez....
Well said and true. Now I want to know who the bobo is who rated your post funny.
Fine upstanding citizens...NOT...Trash
CBN...making it real...welcome back Mr. Gonzales....GO GATORS!!!!!
and by the way i hate kirk...i hope georgia SMOKES ohio fake...they should NOT be in the final four...
you know what gator fans...if ar was playing, ventrell, vance etc, would be a different game...this is a good practice game for the young...
He's playing for a first round draft pick and not for his team...had to show the scouts he could put up big passing numbers...I'm so tired of...
Wait till' next year...the old gator chant...
To be honest...I think this was a game to showcase AR as he is prepping for the NFL...pas pass pass and not sticking to the fundamentals that...
I give up...had so much hope for this team after the last 2 weeks...they seemed to be finally coming together...but is going to...
time to pound the run run....
Why won't they let AR run...this is stupid!!!!!
Yes...I don't understand why AR is not running...when he runs it overwhelms the defense because they have to deal with that extra weapon...come on...
Okay...time to stop them, calm down and start running the ball...pound it!!!!
The cold is definitely affecting the passing game...gotta hunker down and catch the ball Gators!!!
The cold will definitely affect the passing game...hard to catch. Too bad as our receivers are getting open at will...Let's Go Gators!!!!!
the reality is the Gators are turning the Napier will have a championship team in 2 years...just like Urban....the GATORS are...
15 yds offense so
give it time...
we have to score on this least 3