Would you Magat losers just shut up...how do you define snowflakes....MAGA...good God...grow up
And JD Vance...the male equivalent of Sarah Palin...
Portraying Trump, a New York born silver spoon crook, as a good ole' boy is beyond pathetic. Man is MAGA desperate. I hope this is not a real...
Yes...a real hero...rich...I dont want no friggin Nam....yes he was a coward...worship as you will. does that what happened to him is good...no...
All I know is God help the USA...will we be sane or insane? Never in my life since JFK was shot that I fear for the future of our great nation......
Don't feed the troll. If indeed the poster is being serious, the he has a very SERIOUS problem. What a tool.
But it sure makes it easier to kill MORE people. Mass shootings will continue as this country devolves into extreme division and stupidity. But...
The only embarrassment are people who worship the orange buffoon...
And what about the orange god you bow down to in your little cult? Sinking electric boats and sharks...the late great Hannibal...
You have to remember...it's a CULT...bow down to the ORANGE GOD!!!!
Yes, let's keep alive the names of traitors and insurrectionists...either you believe in the union that is the USA or you don't...make a friggin'...
My God what a MORON. We are in trouble as a nation. SAD.
WOW dude. You are seriously suffering from BDT. Get some help!!
Bottom line is you eat monstrous size portions (as most do in the US) while consuming "junk" food in between and sit on your butt all day, you're...
And what pray tell does this have to do with Biden. I sense another conspiracy theory brewing. Hmmmm...BDS maybe?
I was wondering why nobody brought this up here on THFSG. I mean him portraying himself as a God fearing man being the narcissistic, grifting,...
But...but...but, Rick did his "research". Who needs an informative explanation from a degreed and experienced pharmacist when we have Rick's...
I love the uneducated...wait...who said that?