Are you standing out in it?
I noticed that there were no quotes from Sully after the game on least what was printable.
Did you see the shot of Sully at the Gatorade cooler?
Not good for the stones.
Where's your favorite mod tonight?
Looks like someone has left the building.
Man, Sully is ticked off.
Yost tore his ACL?
One Gator batting over .300 in tonights lineup.
3:27 AM?
I wouldn't know. LOL.
Why would anyone be in pain about "college" sports?
Meet the new boss Same as the old boss
Why would a list of QB's that J.D. Pickell posted on the internet affect Gator wins?
Go Bulldogs! :D
Do you eat Kellogg's Raisin Bran?
I think that's your answer.
Auburn. LOL. Is that you in the photo?
The barners won't be around long.