Guys are awake. Decent energy.
Still in their PJs! Hopefully the other team is still looking for a cup of coffee. Have we ever had a game start this early?
And a team like Duke buying a QB and a few other key players might make more sense.
UF - 82 UK - 74 MVG - Clayton SOG - +8
Savor every moment.
Stockton's ceiling looks higher than Beck's. I don't like that. Glad they lost.
He followed his family's advice and went towards the money.
I'd be here all day.
Time to take it to the next level. Especially down low. I feel like we can win any game when 2 of 3 guards are sharp as long as we at least hold...
Mark my words. He's going down in flames.
Good to have some passion in a ho hum bowl.
[IMG] Hamilton about to be under the bus.
I guess it will always be that way with teams that were close to making the playoffs.
Wilson and Brown may have the potential but gloriously we don't need them to and are in a great situation to let them develop and a coach that...
Debore has been on the hot seat since Vandy loss. Never follow a legend.
Griffin, Brown, Wilson, Montgomery on the same team getting a jump on chemistry.
I would eat the hell out of a doritoes flavored pop tart with taco meat filling dipped in salsa.
Very excited. Their energy will be through the roof and some pressure to kick off the new era. Hopefully that translates to them playing tight and...