Sounds like it will be an intense group of Gators Saturday afternoon.
Gators 92 Texas: 72 MVG: Clayton SoG: 12
Bizarre indeed. So many ifs and whats. Still loving the fight. The lack of a closer is no surprise. It needs to be worked out, probably between...
Fun show and interesting family. Gerald Durrell was my hero … I married him for his zoo
Gators 92 Tiggers 72 Mvg Clayton Sog +14
I can't wait to play them in Knoxville. A lot of drama and a great opportunity.
This should be posted on every freaking thread. Often. Especially ones that mention previous coaches.
Keep looking forward.
All the doors are open for him now.
Looked broke from the way he howled.
2016 Sean and Hump are on it. Also were talking about the 70 point streak for awhile.
I feel sorry for him.
There's plenty of reasons. He once told a baby to shut up on an airplane. He wears his underwear 2 days in a row. He thinks a hot dog is a...
He gets good players.
Broome came down on another players foot and rolled his ankle badly. Can't put any weight on it. Helped off the floor to the locker room. Auburn...
Gators 88 BBQ 72 Clayton 10
Silly season. Do yourselves and all of us a favor and delete youtube and Twitter. It's hard enough getting good info from full time journalists...
Gators 122 Bacon 42 MVG Clayton SOG 100%