After they serve some prison time here.
There are no posters on this forum that sound like they would be best friends with this guy.
I heard blah blah China blah blah blah.
100 doesn't even have a 7 in it!
I don’t think it is one-upmanship to figure out what is a normal baseline.
I searched the forum rules and couldn't find anything against plundering.
I'm only aware of one person blocking me and I'm perfectly fine with that. He doesn't deserve to be educated by my brilliant comments. :) I have...
At what point do they realize that it is statistically unlikely that so many postmasters are stealing money? Either they are hiring nothing but...
I figured there was a scientist who studied bats, so I looked it up. I’m not that impressive. :)
A chiropterologist?
Has the civil lawsuit gone to trial yet?
Your post reflects a lack of critical thinking skills.
Not familiar with the Barbie Map controversy. The DOE spokesperson said it was a map of countries that speak Arabic and I don’t believe there is...
Because it’s cartoonish?
Just my experience is that you have to change batteries much more frequently than you need to add gas. I don’t recall ever running out of gas...
The article shows the map. It didn’t leave that land off. It includes it and calls it Palestine.
How does that change the fact that the country is called Israel?
If you’re really close, it’s Shawty.
Post 10 certainly is.
“Your beliefs become your thoughts. Your thoughts become your words. Your words become your actions. Your actions become your habits. Your habits...