It happened at 6am so it was still dark. It's also been raining here.
On the local news this morning, they said one cop told him to proceed. Which makes sense if the PGA told the golfers that they could go that...
This is the most likely scenario.
Didn't seem like an antagonistic comment in the interview. [MEDIA]
He’s what more Republican politicians should be like.
The side that starts a war and is on the losing end doesn’t usually dictate the requirements for an end.
Just because you've never been commanded to go on a shooting spree doesn't mean that, other people haven't.
Should he have pulled out a bunch of drunk teenagers instead of a knife? Not sure he had those on him at the time. Having said that. I think he...
This is probably correct. If you stand out there and just try to stop people, they keep on walking. I still don’t think this is very effective...
You seem obsessed.
Yes, this is national news. Was just reading about it this morning. Lead thug of the gang sounds like a psychopath with parents who protect him...
It's a better strategy than Hillary's strategy of focusing on states where she was a lock.
We are supporting the side fighting the terrorists. When I see "we", I'm talking about the US. You are clearly supporting the terrorists.
How many times are you going to move the goalposts? Now you're down to hypotheticals? In this new argument you're making, is the US over there...
Shame on Israel for planting those Generals there.
Very partisan people can never admit that they were wrong. Once they call out someone based on bad information, they can’t change their opinion.
Sounds like Iran turned it into a military target. Shame on them.
He’s never liked that bunny. [IMG]
You were the AirBNB guest weren’t you? :)
Because renters often spend $18,000 on repairs for someone else’s house. He knows his story doesn’t have to be believable. He just needs to say...