You probably didn't believe right wingers who said Biden had dementia.
Surprised that democrat party leaders don't promote Andy Beshear of Kentucky more. He has the highest approval rating of any Democrat governor in...
That's an odd response to my golf question, but... [IMG]
Have there been any polls asking voters who they think the better golfer is?
Good point. And which of Trump's advisors is brave enough to tell him he shouldn't debate Newsome, or whoever the nominee would be?
The 2 most likely scenarios: Both Trump and Biden are the nominees and Trump wins Democrats replace Biden and that candidate wins. Democrats...
Basically it went exactly as expected to anyone who has been paying attention. I don't see how that debate could change anyone's mind unless that...
No way. Pre-debate there was nothing on Twitter that connected child care costs to why Trump fired a general and that Biden never fires anyone....
They should take a group of people who didn’t watch the debate, delete out the moderator portion, and have them guess what the question was based...
Luckily, neither one would just walk up behind the other person. [IMG]
When the sea sends its turtles they’re not sending their best. They’re sending turtles that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those...
Maybe people with a small penis are less likely to participate in a study about penis size today. Back in the 50’s the guys with a small penis...
So it’s wrong for him to post something like that but you’ll post something like that in the future?
If I were given 100,000:1 odds I would consider putting $10 on it. Probably wouldn’t go through with it but I would consider it.
That's certainly a possibility. Would think there would be a reaction from other cops if it were true.
And that he drove for 30 feet while the officer was attached to the vehicle. Not that 30 feet is that far but even that didn't happen.
If something is too good to be true...then you gotta go for it. Because how often are you going to get an opportunity like that?
If any woman of any age tries to contact me for sex, I'd assume I'm being set up. I'd be suspicious if my wife flirted with me.
Are they goaded into it or is the adult male predator the one that takes the initiative?
I can’t imagine a cop would throw himself onto the hood of his car in that scenario. If he did, it probably would have been described that way....