See…now this is a good post. I knew you had it in you.
This post is a valid criticism.
Someone thought this was the best post ever…lol.
The only memory I have of the song is from the Beverly Hillbillies.
It was lower pre-covid too.
Hook em horns was my first guess but I don’t know how many different meanings that symbol has.
I don't miss the song and never think about it, except for this thread. Just don't agree that it is equivalent to a song created specifically for...
That would be an example of a song created by a Nazi for the Nazi party. Dixie predated the civil war and was composed by a northerner. Lincoln...
I gave you an agree but I don't think it's a gift for an entertainer if almost everything out of your mouth is stupid.
No intelligent person believed it but there are plenty of people who did.
He learned so much from it that his campaign made up multiple lies about it multiple times. Even claiming that the judge chastised the arresting...
Are you one of the naive people that believed the couch story? How sad. He also lied about the dui during one of his campaigns and claimed he...
Old pictures can be so embarrassing. [IMG]
Nothing about her is exciting other than she’s someone without dementia running against Trump.
I agree that his handling was a failure and his wife comes across as a radical nut job. But even if the White House was in his ear, it is the...
I don't think anyone giving a speech has to give time to any protestors. No problem with how she handled that.
Looks like Trump lied about that. Was this a response to a specific post? I didn't see anyone claim in this thread that Trump called in the...
I’m not sure what point he thought he was making. If one VP candidate is lying about his service , what is the point of showing that the other is...