Just stop defending the shot that did not protect anyone from getting the disease yet harmed millions. Spare me the it might have lessened...
Oh...there was plenty of actual evidence as well. They knew from the very beginning this disease basically targeted elderly with comorbidities....
Remember my buddy telling me he and his wife took the pfizer doses. Each got covid about 3 months later. The shots knocked my buddy down more...
I know some here have totally created their own perception of my views. As they were distorted throughout the covid thread just because I am firm...
LOL! The facts are coming out. As I cited. If your opinion is you want to cause unnecessary inflammation by taking the Covid shot. By all...
Do we remove insurance for those who took the drug and harmed themselves because of it? I say no. But since you want to remove insurance for...
Who knew we needed to spend $70K on special equipment when I could have gotten high end consulting from too hot…:);) Well played by the way!
Absolutely no evidence to back this up. There is plenty of anecdotal evidence in the old covid thread of those who took the shot(s) and got covid...
As noted above. Such a misguided post. Again!
Such a misguided post.
I would still give my kids the mmr shot. But I have never cared if someone did not. That said…we sadly politicized Covid to a disastrous point....
We have our in office training with the Rhinometer and Pharyngometer the 25th and 26th. Excited to actually start helping people. Sleep studies...
While we are not as far off on SS as it may appear we do have some differences. Mainly I want to turn it in into an actual safety net. One that...
Hey. If there is smoke on insider trading for Trump. All day. Look into it.
Sure. Not sure what you want here. Trump already had built/maintained his wealth.
We are certainly on the same page.
Exactly. It is really concerning there are doctors willing to actually preform these procedures on minors knowing they took the Hippocratic Oath!
This. While we may disagree on whether he is fit for the position. I highly doubt this cc debt is anything substantial.
I don’t disagree with this. But being married to a VC husband and considering the position she was in. You would have to be pretty dense to not...
But then some here can’t have their extra vacation. And of course they paid in so they should get what they were promised. Even if it is more...