Don’t change the subject like that. You are the one who tried to equate masks in an operating room as the same thing as wearing masks for an...
Let me ask you. That last time you saw your doctor. Did they wear a mask as you met face to face? Maybe they did. But that would be odd. And...
Go ask a surgeon. You have no clue what you are talking about. Do you honestly think a doctor is wearing a mask as they discuss surgery face to...
You are as ignorant as the statement made by @JustaGator
The ignorance of this statement is palpable.
To the DEI folks…white male lol.
Donalds would be a great pick imo
She was the voice that pushed a drug on an entire population. Now she is owning how wrong she was. The problem is…she is a doctor. And she...
And this ended up being reality. Birx finally admitting as much this past week.
She flat says public health failed. As I have said it has. I do have a bit of a problem with her still as she knew when they were pushing these...
She said it this week tilly. She said it as she was trying to explain how we need to fix the vaccine hesitancy issue and acknowledged public...
Birx “It (the Covid shot) wasn’t designed to prevent infection.” You were lied to. So let’s stop with the idea this shot was ever meant to slow...
That is just it. The shot never slowed or prevented spread. Birx finally acknowledges that. Now I understand how people fell for the...
I understand how people felt the need to take it at the time. But it is beyond clear that this should never been given to young healthy people....
Not sure what you are trying to say here. She flat admitted she did not follow the science without explicitly saying it.
It is extremely frustrating Birx did not follow the science when it mattered. It is hard to offer any sympathy to someone like her who knew...
Interesting recent podcast was done a couple of days ago about RFK. A couple take aways… The far left lady he had on sounds just like our...
You cannot make this stuff up. A helicopter pilot almost certainly makes an error and Trump is responsible for the worst aviation disaster in...
No. Why? Just having fun with dumb politician comments.
Pretty good one. A lot like we have to pass the bill to find out what’s in it…