What a sanctimonious pile of poo this post is. Fire breaks? How do they work in hilly, high desert areas where scrubs grow like weeds whenever...
My sister-in-law's parents house is miracously still standing in Malibu. Her parents are with them in N. California. No word on when the house...
What's the Russian translation for "The Onion?" As for believing forest management could've helped the LA fire, the area received rain right...
Hunter Biden is slimy. But the Russian connecting Hunter to Joe was literally just sentenced to six years in prison for lying to the FBI about Joe...
About 17 million acres of CA is owned by the Feds under BLS control. This land is mostly designated National Forest, where many fires occur....
The scrub/chaparral in the area are extremely fast growing, drought and fire tolerant. They are desert plants that during wet seasons, grow like a...
The area above Malibu/Palisades is a hilly, scrub area. Not a forest. And not an area where prescribed burns would help much, if at all. The...
Hunter Biden was never a part of Joe's admin. And certainly wasn't back in 2019, when Joe was a regular citizen, not holding any office. Hunter is...
Did you read the article? Hunter's crimes were failure to disclose drug use on a gun ownership check and not paying full, proper taxes on foreign...
The recovery process in NC is underway. The Federal Government should support and stay until the job is done. The fires in LA are still burning,...
Read today they still don't know what caused the flame to spark, but they believe it started near the Skull Rock trail in Temescal Canyon. This is...
Several sources list between 8 and 9 million undocumented workers in the US. Pew has 8.3 million. About 8.3 million U.S. workers in 2022 were...
News last night reported 24 confirmed dead from the LA fires, and about another 2 dozen missing. But until remains are found, they are going to...
Not an excuse. Simple economics. What happens to prices when supply drops? They go up. What happens to businesses that can't find employees to...
You could stay in business and follow immigration laws. Many businesses, such as farms, construction businesses, and convalescent homes cannot....
Cloud seeding needs around 75% humidity to work. Humidity levels were between 25% and 30%. Seeding would've been useless.
Seawater is a desperation move. And being used by helicopter only. Wouldn't have helped when the winds grounded them. Fire breaks would have...
Lol. The areas bulldozers might have helped are in hilly areas. Difficult to reach and more difficult to drive. And in hurricane force winds, the...
This is a good article with several experts agreeing, no municipal water system in the world would've made any difference. You just can't fight a...
Doubtful, given the conditions. Three things effect the severity of a wildfire. Temperatures, humidity, and wind speed. All three were against...