What good does criticizing the LA Mayor do to help the thousands who lost everything in the fires do today? If the answer is none, then now is not...
Trump built 54 miles of new, useless wall. Walls that were breached 11 times a day, or over 4,000 times a year. Trump also didn't slow down...
An estimated 2 million undocumented came in the 1980s. That pales in comparison to the estimated 6 million in the 1990s. With Biden, remember,...
The majority of people crossing do so to better their lives. That's why most cross at official areas and request asylum. Streamline this process...
Allow those working to legally sign up for a guest visa, and we'll know more about rise here. And if they don't sign up and aren't full time...
Maybe junior high students who haven't learned American History yet?
When has the US ever controlled our Southern border with Mexico? The answer is never. The best we ever did was during the Bracero Program years,...
The answer is a guest worker program that allows supply of labor to meet demand legally. Immigrants here working already and new arrivals would...
Florida citrus production was already down due to hurricane damage. The estimate from the recent freezes before the storms hit was an additional...
We will see higher prices for citrus very soon. The recent frost in Florida will likely reduce the YoY yield. And in California, about 50% of the...
They're several Navajo Nation tribes. Tyne main Res stretches from AZ to NM. But there is also the Tohono O'Odham Reservation near Douglas in SE...
Makes one wonder if the attorneys for the v Trump admin got their JD degrees from Trump University.
In NY State, 11 other felony convictions under the same statute Trump was convicted have been upheld over the last 20 years. I suggest you do...
Just FYI. Kauai is the chicken island. Not Maui. And yes, they are everywhere.
Really stupid. Native Americans were originally excluded from the 14th Amendment. But the Amendment did specify all others born in the US would be...
The canceling of Biden Infrastructure Act spending is directly against the Impoundment Control Act, and too will be challenged in court. The...
ICE did a raid in the Central Valley, CA fields about two weeks ago. And now, with Trump sworn in, workers are scared to show up for work. This is...
Military service should be a pathway to citizenship for DREAMers. So should education. One tour with an honorable discharge, or a bachelor's...
We have less than 7 million on unemployment today. And an estimated 8.3 million undocumented in our work force. And the average time a person is...
The preemptive pardon has been used by four Presidents. Lincoln pardoned Confederates before the end of the war. Ford preemptively pardoned Nixon,...