Richard starts the 2nd half with a trey. Then comes back and hits another one.
45-34 Gators at the half
Richard with yet another trey.
Micah getting beat up inside.
Martin hits a trey. 42-29 Gators
Circus shot by #9
Clayton fouled. Hits both FT's. 39-27 Gators
37-26 Gators 3:40. 1st
Aggies are playing smash mouth basketball
31-24 Gators 7:57 1st
Urban legend hits his FT's.
Condo hits.
Gators taking control now. Zel with a nice layup. 25-19
Micah cleans up with a rebound. 21-19 Gators 11:00. 1st
Martin hits another trey. Then Haugh does the same. 19 All 12:01 1st
17-13 Aggies
Haugh do you like me now with a trey.
Zel on the court.
Condon dunks it. 14-10 Aggies
Richard slams home a dunk.