With all due respect command is key and Kara doesn’t have it. She can eat up innings in lesser games but isn’t ready for SEC competition.
Not on tv and weather delay but should be starting soon?
Is WRUF not an option tonight?
Sad but way better than the old days
Stetson had good stats before Gators lol. I’m excited to for our ladies to brawl in the new look SEC. I’m optimistic
Hells yes!
Game time!
I don’t consider back sided passive aggressive statements when our Gators were so awesome she had no choice but to acknowledge their greatness as...
I haven’t followed softball anywhere close to as long as many of you have. But I’ve followed for 15+ years. I’ve seen a lot of Gator greats come...
Rick lied to us all, Taylor is an obvious bust lol
On to important matters, what do we do with Taylor now? We have to have talent on the bench to replace her after that ghastly one for three...
She’d die before complementing our Gators. Unbiased neutrality is probably the most important quality in broadcasting…and umpiring (I’m looking...
Yeah I was talking about radio not the tv announcers.
Taylor is going to have a wedgie problem all season lol.
Kyle crooks is awesome but I can’t stand the other guy.
Bigger game it would’ve been reviewed.
Later this month or early next month I heard.
Gap between the fence and parking lots lol.