I think with our offense it’s hard to count us out of any game! Imagine the confidence boost, particularly for the pitching staff, if we could...
We all know Taylor is awesome but now that competition is ramping up I want to see if she has that clutch gene. Clutch like Jocey last season,...
One thing I know is a lot of our Gators have “IT/CLUTCH factor “ that no computer algorithm can measure. Without Rothrock I think we win 2 of 3....
Like the rankings but concerning the sweep Nolan can kiss my grits!
Strikeout stands, not sure about the rest. I guess if the throw to first is wild/dropped etc it would be an error.
My shirt sucks!
You pitch then lol. Seriously who pitches? Kara I’m guessing and Olivia finishes maybe?
I’m wearing a special Gator shirt today. Not because I believe they need any help winning but because I want Taylor to hit 3-4 homers so Rick...
lol. It sounded like she barely missed two or three so that’s something at least. Bet she’s eager to go today!
I’m sure she’s great but I’m glad we got Red.
No idea nor do I care lol, just giving you a hard time. Seriously though fix it lol
Still there, try harder lol
I didn’t mention heavener, that’s your margaritas kicking in lol. After this stat building invitational we get to the serious business, sec...
I think SEC opponents will be saying “isn’t this girl supposed to be injured?” Why is she kicking our butts
Let’s remember Red is just a freshman and she’s been injured. It will take time for her to get in the groove. We need to measure our...
Go eat a bloomin onion @outbackjack lol. Truly I don’t understand what people like you get from contributing absolutely nothing yet eager like a...
Agreed! The movement on her pitches is insane regardless of the competition. If we can see that kind of movement from the television imagine...
So we insert a margarita dispensing/sauna/back scratching chair inside of a Ferrari! Simple…might need help from some boosters actually.
I hate tequila shots but I love a good margarita!