I think I see where you're coming from now. You think ESPN is the driver behind the 9th conference game? In that case, then the SEC does have...
"have you seen my wallet?" "no, did you check the fridge?" An ongoing joke with my pops and his wife.........because said wallet was once...
They're humans, just like you and me. Don't know why anyone treats their opinions like they're anything other than what they are---opinions. The...
He makes those at a decent clip. Biggest problem is nobody else is expecting it, so there's nobody ready to rebound if he misses. I still think...
The espn deal is already signed. Why would they renegotiate mid contract because WE changed the way we do things? They didn't add any teams to...
If it’s not TJ, we’ll probably never know unless one of our members walks down and asks Pierce directly.
Chris Knight is awesome. That’s not even one of my favorite songs. I like william’s son, go on home, nothing on me, really everything he does,...
Little victories, they’re alright with me… [MEDIA]
They should make a trophy and hang a banner.
This freaking guy. How many times is he gonna get on with a dribble or little flair.
Wonder which team will make their way to Omaha first.
Don’t love that swipe by Lawson, but it’s unlikely he was gonna get him at first anyway.
No gimmes during sec play. If she had to be out a few games, I’d rather it be now than at the end though. From coach’s comments, it did not seem...
Aw man. I like testing them, but don’t think he ever had a chance on that one.
That’s why you hustle.
With Evans and Jones both being out so much, bench guys are getting their reps though. His spot still not really in jeopardy.
I think he got him. Nice tag.
Oh no, not a triple. Don’t know where Blake was for that routine.
I thought the pitch before was closer to a strike than the K pitch. Don’t think either were in the zone.