What a lowlife take. If I see you on the side of the road after a hit and run needing help, I hope your wallet is full of $100 bills for my...
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov this weekend: "The new U.S. Administration is rapidly changing all foreign policy configurations. This largely...
GOP is a cult of personality that reflects Trump's opinions more than conservative values. Russian Takes over Trump. Trump takes over the GOP....
Trump is awkward as humanly possible. I assume he can read since i am sure he tweets from the toilet regularly. My bet is he cant read print...
Give me a break. "My condolences and my thoughts are with the individual whose life has been lost and I'm also thinking of all of the people who...
We cant respond to your requests because the lawsuit challenging the USAID cuts are too many for our reduced staff from the cuts we are being sued...
Transportation cost on eggs are less than 10%... Fuel barely registers around 3-5% or about 25 cents a dozen. Trump has no plan on prices and...
The corruption is blatant. [MEDIA]
They looked overstaffed to me. SC should just give up and stop fighting the fire. South Carolina shouldn’t have started the fight against fire.