Remember when people who claimed to not like Trump but voted for him because he wouldn't raise their taxes? Well...assuming you consume anything,...
Withdrawing aid to Ukraine, negotiating with Putin while excluding the Ukrainians, causing splits in historically strong alliances around the...
If only we could turn the US into a better money laundering operation for the Russian laundry...wait, we elected a vendor for it!
Wow, so still the minority position by a substantial amount then.
You would only have to go back 10 years, honestly. Republicans were outraged about Russia taking a piece of Ukrainian territory when it happened...
No, the same people that prevent that. If you notice, there has been no evidence provided of fraudulent payments found. There is a reason for...
You realize that the government already has people that check on this sort of thing, right?
Hey man, having your second wife and daughter hang out with Jeffrey Epstein is just good family values!
Politico is not a fact checker. They are a standard media source who are reporting the statements accurately. I think you are confusing them with...
I think these were existing USDS employees.
Technically, in an attempt to make it legal, they "converted" an existing office (US Digital Service) into DOGE. It used to be a boring...
I know when I am jet lagged, it causes fresh bruising on my arm and claims about physical assault.
They probably bought the donuts from a trans woman or something.
What is "your country?"
They controlled for age. It is a basic statistical control. As the graph shows, the age groups see increasing differences within the age groups....
No, that is just age group for the majority of the mortality for COVID.
And some are substantially higher (basically double the baseline difference). It appears that there is an interaction and a significant main effect.
You realize that when they talk about percentage, they are talking about it with a base of the other rate, right? So for every Democrat that died...