Now CNN is misinformation. Man the world is off its axis.
I wish I spoke another language. It’s hard enough deciphering the massive amount of whining and bullshit posted by the left on these boards.
Just saw a bit on CNN from yesterday that said 41% of Americans think the US is doing too much for Ukraine. That was 7% three years ago. Same poll...
You’ve already been able to poll the world? Wow that’s impressive.
Keep fighting the good fight! Man your skin must be transparent it’s so thin.
I don’t know what’s worse; the fact that you think that’s remotely funny or that you’ve sullied one of the great movie characters of all time by...
I guess common sense tells me that. I don’t know we will see when it happens as Zelensky has no choice.
Oh no! Not ignored! Honestly the only person I care that I’ve been blocked/ignored by is @PD. That was life changing for my time on GC.
And you remind me of someone that uses they/them as their pronouns.
Who gave the javelins in 2017 after Obama refused? If he was so aligned with Russia why would he do that?
Fair statement. I tend to believe they could if they harm Americans.
You just think Russia will do something to piss of America under this administration? We have a fundamental difference of opinion if you believe...
Once the minerals deal is done it is no longer a war zone.
I can’t believe how inferior I feel to your massive level of intelligence and reason.
Clutch your pearls tightly. It will be ok.
Don’t think that’s the gotcha you think it is
Starmer just this week finally says they are “ramping up” their assistance. No shit moron. That isn’t going to do anything to deter Putin. If...
And for your info Europe should have been pitching in 3 years ago when this started. Instead they relied, like the rest of the world, on the US to...
If the US is going to even just share in profits you don’t think that they’d have personnel on the ground there? I know your party likes to...