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  1. Hi there... Can you please quickly check to make sure your email address is up to date here? Just in case we need to reach out to you or you lose your password. Muchero thanks!
Last Activity:
Dec 21, 2024 at 8:20 PM
Nov 26, 2016
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Superduper Super Moderator, Male

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unclenunzio was last seen:
Dec 21, 2024 at 8:20 PM
    1. gatrstu
      Unc. Did they charge him with just speeding, or did they charge him with reckless? If just speeding, its a civil infraction. Let me know. That will determine who to call?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. gatrstu
        That phone call did way more damage than the ticket. Thats civil bro, ticket clinic will do just fine.
        Jan 14, 2024
      3. unclenunzio
        Will let the down know.
        Jan 14, 2024
      4. unclenunzio
        Dad know
        Jan 14, 2024
    2. UF_HOSS
      Unless a post contains all the facts then they should not be posted especially hear say! Example…..if we have players late for practice ect, then NAME THEM!! Unless you know the WHO and the WHY you create WILD SPECULATION. Sorry but NO change took place after your post…..the guys just repackaged it and kept right on going. Need hard boundaries in place or a dedicated thread.
      1. unclenunzio
        Spivey has confirmed much of what was said. And as for my thread...I was told that my thread was too over the top. I am trying.
        Dec 17, 2023
      2. UF_HOSS
        Agreed….I am good
        with Spivey posting, but many others are just repeating what he said, leading to excessive duplicates threads of same material and more bashing. Growls rules J and O are being broken constantly. You are not over the top……you would be following Growls guidelines. You do a great job….proud to have you. Lynch mob needs to tone it down some. Again….thank you for hearing and replying back.
        Dec 17, 2023
    3. MusicCityGator
      615-566-3932 ASAP please
    4. cbcoakley
      Sorry I got a little out of hand on the UGA post. Happens about once a year. Thanks for sticking around the site!!
      1. unclenunzio likes this.
    5. johnagator
      They are delicious. Thanks
      1. unclenunzio likes this.
    6. johnagator
      Hey Unc, What was the eggplant dish that you liked so much at Spurriers? Hope all is well. John
      1. unclenunzio
        Eggplant fritters.
        Jan 21, 2022
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