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  1. Hi there... Can you please quickly check to make sure your email address is up to date here? Just in case we need to reach out to you or you lose your password. Muchero thanks!
Apr 3, 2007
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VIP Member
    1. limbwalkers
      Hello PMC. Ponder will be having nightmares about Dunlap by games end ...

    2. limbwalkers
      Good Morning PMC. Enjoy the Citadel Beatdown ...

    3. vanders
      how was the visit with Jack?
      hope all is well.
    4. limbwalkers
      PMC, We're Having a Gamecock Plucking Party In Hogtown ...

    5. PMCGoldenEraG8R
      I just can't seem to get by here lately. I finally started feeling better on Monday. Stupid cold. So many projects and things to do for my little preschool class.

      My son, DIL and Jack are coming this weekend! Getting ready for a fun visit!

      Thanks Limb and vanders! Miss ya'll!
    6. vanders
      was hoping to see more of you around here.....V
    7. limbwalkers
      Have a Great Game Day PMC ...
    8. PMCGoldenEraG8R
      Ha Fox! I wish! LOL.. :-)

      Lane, I hope you can go fishing soon. I know it's not easy when you move to a new place.

      Limb, I'll have to check out your profile. I imagine it will be amazing! You always post such beautiful pictures in the Boring thread!

      Vanders, I was in MS last weekend. Sorry I missed "watching" the game with the Pubbers! :-)

      It's been a crazy, busy week and I'm down with a little cold. Ugh...I hate colds. They are evil. This is not the worse one I've had, but I do feel a little puny.

      Go Gators! Stomp GA!!
    9. WPfox16
      Well look at this... It's like a GC Facebook. Aren't you Miss Popularity, PMC! :)
    10. vanders
      How you like not one not two but 3 blocked kicks?????
    11. GatorLane77
      Nope. No fishing yet. Sigh...

      I'm going to try and get out soon before it gets cold, but I don't know if it will happen. Between football season and driving to where I need to go, I just haven't found the time. It's not as easy as it was in Tampa. 8(
    12. limbwalkers
      Well, I've started to enhance my profile. Just getting started, I'll tweek it as I go along ...

    13. PMCGoldenEraG8R
      Thanks vanders! I'll have more time next week to play around with this! It seems like great fun! :-)
    14. vanders
      PMC, so nice to get PM from you~ you were one of the first reasons I came to GatorCountry long ago, along with Matt.

      We need you around here and more pics of Jack.

      Check out my page, I've updated and figured out how to add pics.
      You can add them directly from computer, making it easier to upload~ and you can have albums
      Make sure to set to PUBLIC so you can view, others can view and you can add to your CUSTOMIZED PROFILE~ tis really easy. You just have to click around to get the hang of it.

    15. PMCGoldenEraG8R
      Hi TBL and Slinky! I would have worked more in the yard, but rain brought me inside. I'm glad it did though, as I was able to watch some good football!
    16. slinkygator
      Hi PMC :wave: Hope you didn't work too hard out in the yard!
    17. TBLightning
      Hi PMC. Doing alright. I mainly just post in the Den or on SG so didn't know you hadn't posted much. Hope all is well with you.
    18. PMCGoldenEraG8R
      Hey all! Am I doing this right? Do I just respond here? lol....I'm so stupid!!

      Thanks for asking about my grandbaby Jack! He is doing well, and hubby and I are going to see him next weekend! He is so far away... :-( about an 11 hr. drive for us to Jackson, MS. Son, wife and Jack came for the first Gator game, and we havn't seen them since. I can hardly wait!

      Son and wife are wonderful to us! We do video chats every week, and it helps to melt the miles a little. We have iChat, and Jack looks at the computer and smiles back at us! It is incredible and it gives me goose bumps when he laughs and smiles back at us!

      Luver, I'm so glad you are in CO with the grands! Keep spoilin' those kids! It's our right to do so! ;-) If you don't have a web cam, please get one for you and your grands. It is wonderful fun!

      Okay...I just noticed the boxes next to the date and time of posting. If I wanted to send a message just to one or a few, would I check the box and the message would go to that person? I appreciate help! lol....

      Go Gators!!!
    19. Gatorluver
      Thank you. I am honored. I know you are enjoying being Grandma so much. We are in Colorado at this moment spoiling our's rotten.
    20. GatorSkie
      how's that grand-baby doing? miss u on the fishin thread.
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    pmc=Most Boring Gator

    Red Mitchum/Dad-A Golden Era Gator