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Apr 8, 2007
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September 23
sec country
retired from all of the 'big hairy bullshit'


moonage daydreamer, Female, from sec country

    1. vertigo0923
      he's funny, and i like him, and we met on too hot, opposing views, but so what? he's a pretty good guy, and he cracks me up too. i'm real glad we got to talking.
    2. vanders
      OMlord, laughing my butt off at Gatorman's posts.....below hahahaha
    3. gatorman_07732
      That little baby is a monster right now. I asked my wife if we can return her back to where we found her. Then I blamed my brother-in-law as he was supposed to be keeping an eye on the baby in the nursery and what do you know we came home with the wrong baby. Somewhere out there is a loving sweet 1 3/4 year old that is my precious baby.........lol j/k
    4. gatorman_07732
      Same here, I have never let politics get in the way of that stuff it's not worth it. Besides I have a lot of practice with family...lol
    5. gatorman_07732
      You're missing a good thread on autism in too hot. Would love to hear your take on things. To me this is a good not partisan topic to where people might confuse me of being a lib
    6. gatorman_07732
      Thats what I thought and then I woke up the morning after the storn and had no heat downstairs
    7. gatorman_07732
      @%^&#*#&@ more is coming friday :zombie:
      Dug out but damn the streets were bad for days. Vey unusual to where I much better job is done clearing
    8. vanders
      helloooooo welcome back
    9. vertigo0923
      hope everyone had a great holiday season with friends/family/and gc....wish i coulda been more visible, but omg, we had a houseful!!!!!!
    10. vanders
      get rid of the company already..... miss you in the Pub
    11. gatorman_07732
      OMG, we ended up with 2 1/2 feet here and no matter who I speak with they tell me they were no way expecting this. My brother-in-law was here Sunday morning when it started and I asked him how much we were supposed to get, and he told me a few inches. Anyway, woke up Monday morning to no heat downstairs. I did get it going as I shoveled my way to the side of the house to uncover the exhaust pipes. We were unprepared in terms of grocery shopping and even my dog ran out of food so he ate macaroni for two days. It was just a hoot......lol
    12. vanders
      Happy Happy New Year to you
      Hoping 2011 is filled with wishes coming true for all of us
    13. gatorman_07732
      OMG, we ended up with 2 1/2 feet here and no matter who I speak with they tell me they were no way expecting this. My brother-in-law was here Sunday morning when it started and I asked him how much we were supposed to get, and he told me a few inches. Anyway, woke up Monday morning to no heat downstairs. I did get it going as I shoveled my way to the side of the house to uncover the exhaust pipes. We were unprepared in terms of grocery shopping and even my dog ran out of food so he ate macaroni for two days. It was just a hoot......lol
    14. gatorman_07732
      OMG, we ended up with 2 1/2 feet here and no matter who I speak with they tell me they were no way expecting this. My brother-in-law was here Sunday morning when it started and I asked him how much we were supposed to get, and he told me a few inches. Anyway, woke up Monday morning to no heat downstairs. I did get it going as I shoveled my way to the side of the house to uncover the exhaust pipes. We were unprepared in terms of grocery shopping and even my dog ran out of food so he ate macaroni for two days. It was just a hoot......lol
    15. supagator
      Keep spreading the rep!
    16. G8rChuck85
      Merry Christmas Verti
    17. slinkygator
      Merry Christmas Verti. Have a wonderful day and stay warm! :santa:
    18. lacuna
      C - Wishing you Blessings, Joy, Smiles and Laughter this Christmas Season.
      Peace on Earth to Men of Good Will . . . Judy
    19. gatorman_07732
      Just heard no snow here for Christmas. Glad to hear he is coming home for good soon. I am sure although it is soon it will seem like forever for you.
    20. vanders
      We Wish You a Merry♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ CHRISTmas♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪We Wish You a Merry ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪CHRISTmas ♥ ♥ ♥We Wish You A Merry ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪CHRISTmas ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪...And A Happy New Year!♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪...

      V and Flipcup