I was just being a smart-aleck. I try to hold the joy these fellows have brought us already, the banner, the hardware, that will attest to their excellence. And remind myself, if no one else, that they have already created a legacy.
It’s a balancing act, since there won’t be a next weekend without a win today. But I don’t think our staff would ever put a player in a dangerous situation, so if Condon is on the floor, it shows they feel pretty good about his ankle.
Well. In Chris article, he said he did practice Friday. "He did participate in the team's practice Friday afternoon." Which is it?! Lol.
For sure. I hope to see him play tonight and do OK and a week to get to 100. Although I'm suspecting he hasn't been 100 since he first injured it. Been a little less effective on shots in close and free throws. Still playing hard AF though.
Schrondinger's/Quantum Condon wherein he is simultaneously practicing and not practicing based on being observed or not
I don’t think Alabama can pull this out, but I’d like to see them at least give Duke a scare down the stretch. Make them look human.