remember 2 seasons ago in football, when they converted a 4th and long to keep a drive alive? And then they kicked a field goal as time expired to beat us by 2? We had that game won. And then last year, our baseball team made it to the college World Series and were one of the last 4 teams standing. Against Missouri, though, we were swept in a 3 game series losing every game by 1 run. Even in Softball last season, we went 54–15 and made it to the college World Series. But during the season, we lost 2 of 3 against the Tigers. And now this season in basketball, Missouri was the only team to beat us at home, beating us by a single point. It’s time to get some revenge on those Tigers. They have had our number lately. Tired of losing close games against that school.
Made no sense why coach Graves went for two after each touchdown. Even if you make the first two conversions, you’re still down 20-16 and need another touchdown.
One of the first football games I attended. Dad figured it was easier/cheaper to take three kids than leave us back in Gainesville or arrange babysitting through the hotel. I later heard Coach Graves say that given the 20 point first half, he didn’t expect to hold them to zero, but could maybe catch them at 24 or something. Definitely a big factor in my thought that you don’t even think about the math until the fourth quarter; just keep kicking and see how it lies late.