Democrats spreading false information. It’s really pathetic how far the Democrats have fallen. Nothing is beneath them at this point.
Alternative facts. The CR keeps funding at current levels for Medicaid. To doctors and hospitals, this is bad. Their reimbursements are down for the 5th straight year — costs are up, revenues are flat, margins are cratered. This is a long game to cut into the future. 1:3 people in red states are on Medicaid. Before you spike the ball, make sure you know what the bill means.
It's math and language. If you ask for $880B in cuts from a budget committee that has a $2T budget with 75% of that budget being Medicare and Medicaid or $1.5T then it's a foregone conclusion. Speaker Johnson and Trump have said no Medicare cuts so let's take them at their word. That leaves Medicaid on the table. I hope they do pass it because it will force the Federal Government to stop Medicaid support for states and Red States will go broke. FAFO. Republicans say Medicaid cuts won't happen. But does their budget work without them? : NPR
Is this really what you want? Hoping a bunch of single moms (etc) suffer so the red team loses? Yay team?
Hmmmm. If this is even so, he would be bad for hoping for this. Despite nobody he voted for effecting such an outcome. Other people, though, are A-OK despite actually voting for people who do politically motivated intentional retaliatory crap that results in such. Because those people have ..... like some policy issues that are rilly important to them.
Which begs the question? How much fraud waste and abuse is in Medicare. Even Pelosi recognized it in 2010, but somehow Democrats want to believe it doesn’t exist anymore.
No it’s not false, and Johnson really isn’t very good at this. It’s actually quite easy to connect the dots unless you’re intellectually lazy. The budget resolution directs the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, which has jurisdiction over Medicaid, to find $880 billion in savings which is a number impossible to reach without cutting the program. It also allows for a reconciliation bill that gives Trump his priorities around tax and spending cuts that would be disastrous for people trying to pay their bills and get health care, but great for the top 1%. I appreciate your effort but at least try to be more challenging in the future.